Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tear Us Up and Stuff Us Down The Drain

Greetings from San Francisco, California! Not much music to talk about. The weather is perfect. It's like a perfect Spring afternoon during the day and a perfect October night during the night. Always around 50 or 60 degrees. I love it. I live on the street shown above. A little bit upwards to the left. It's really sweet living the city life so far. Always people walking. Always bums on the street screaming random things. There is a McDonalds right across the street from my dorm so it looks like I will be playing that stupid Monopoly game even though I wanted to avoid it this year. A Burger King down the street. A Subway down the street. A Walgreens literally 30 seconds away. Walking is great. It hurts after a while but it's great. I was originally in a shared room but got to move out to a single so I'm staying by myself now. So that means a lot of good things haha. I visited the Conservatory today. The school is beautiful. Got all my financial things situated. I don't know if it's because I turned 20 today, but I got so inspired to practice. I practiced for 3 hours straight for the first time since March. I loved it. Grocery shopping and shopping for my dorm was awful. Hate shopping. Everyone I've met has been really awesome too. A few girls greeted me with a happy birthday in song with harmonies and everything. It was awesome. I just got back from hanging out with a fellow guitarist and we were just playing for each other and teaching each other new things. I love everything about this experience so far. You can learn something from everyone here. More updating when actual music events happen. But for now I'll leave you a song off of The Greatest Story Ever Told. I've been listening to the album non-stop lately.

Of paper and tobacco and the bad breath smoke singin'
"Hey man, lemme tell you a joke."
"Well what's attached to a leash that it made itself?"
"The punchline is the way that you've been fuckin' yourself."

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